Dress Code
The Takoma Academy dress code is designed to promote a learning environment that is free from distractions. As such, students should dress in a manner that is appropriate and conducive to the educational environment, safety, and welfare of themselves and the school community.
All students are required to follow the dress code that is outlined below. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in consequences including, but not limited to:
$20 fine, detention, etc. Uniforms can be purchased from Risse Brothers. The online school code is TA1114 at https://www.rissebrothers.com/.
Regular School Day Attire
Polo shirts with TA logo (long or short sleeves) in burgundy, navy or white.
Oxford shirts with long or short sleeves in white only
Cardigan sweater with TA logo in burgundy
Pullover sweater/vest with TA logo in navy
Fleece with TA logo in navy
Shorts (Bermuda length), skirts or shorts long enough to touch the knees in khaki or navy (no cargo style shorts allowed)
Slacks, Dockers-style in khaki or navy; Pants must be neat, clean and worn at the waist, fitted properly and must reach the top of the shoe, pants legs may not be rolled or have elastic bottoms. NO JOGGERS ARE PERMITTED!
A belt must be worn at all times. Belts with large buckles or otherwise garish detail are not permitted.
Shoes, socks and belts in any style or color, as long as they are coordinating, clean and properly fastened.
All shirts must be long enough to be neatly tucked into the pants and remain tucked throughout the school day.
Tennis shoes or dress shoes (No flip flops, open-toed or closed toed sandals, crocs, etc.)
Chapel Day Attire (Every Thursday)
Khaki (tan only) slacks with belt (for boys); khaki (tan only) skirt or khaki (tan only) slacks (for girls)
White oxford shirt
Necktie or bowtie (optional for girls)
Navy blazer
Dress shoes (No flip flops, sandals, crocs, boots, or tennis shoes).